
Economic Development and Growth

At Ntiyiso Industrialisation Consulting (NIC), our DNA is rooted in the development of catalytic projects to boost economic development and industrialisation whilst creating jobs in the process. 

We unlock new economic streams for growth.

Industrialisation Solutions

We work with organisations and communities to identify and secure sustainable, long-term economic opportunities.


Our Service Offering

Ntiyiso Industrialisation Consulting’s DNA is rooted in development of catalytic projects to boost economic development and industrialisation whilst creating jobs in the process. Over the years, we have conceptualised, researched, developed, fund-raised and implemented several farming, manufacturing and energy projects in Limpopo, Free State and North West provinces.

Economic Planning

Economic development plans at local (LED), district, and provincial level.

Industrial Project Development

This includes opportunities that require research and development, product development, project development and fundraising.


Electricity, water, sanitation, integrated transport plan (ITP), township development and integrated waste management plan.

We unlock new economic streams for growth.

Our Approach

Opportunity Definition – 3-6 Months

  • Quantify economic value associated with the opportunity.
  • Define the implementation strategy.

Pre-Feasibility Study – 6-9 Months

  • We make detailed assessments to determine the key specific drives of project.
  • Verify that the project has good prospects for success in delivering intended results.

Feasibility Study – 9-18 Months

  • Develop a bankable business plan.
  • Solicit supporting material of interest such as oFF-take agreements, intellectual property agreements, etc.

Project Definition – 12-18 Months

  • Projects information is scoped and organised into a business design covering all the relevant aspects and systems manner that our clients can rely on to commence execution / implementation of the project.

Project Execution – 2-5 Years

  • Project management (resources, schedule and cost control).
  • Procurement of services.
  • Training.

Operations and Management Support – 5-20 Years

  • This is the phase where we provide management and operations support.
  • Oversight is provided at varying degrees until a healthy level of consistent autonomy is reached.
  1. Organising the LED Team. Identify the stakeholders. Ensure the Private Sector is involved.
  2. Understanding the local economy. Becoming Business – friendly and competitive. Local economic profile. Value chain analysis.
  3. Preparing the LED Strategy. Identify LED vision, goals, objectives, and actions. Consider gender equality, environmental sustainability, and poverty reduction.
  4. Implementing the LED actions. Focusing and prioritising. Are LED actions market-driven? What are the quick wins? What can we learn from other experiences and best practices?
  5. Reviewing the LED Results. How will the results be monitored and evaluated? How will the action plan be adjusted?

Phase 1 – Data Gathering

Collect asset-related information, including:

  • Current performance
  • Refurbishment plan
  • Proposed infrastructure projects
  • Asset register

Phase 2 – Assessment

  • Asset condition assessment
  • Current demand analysis
  • Maintenance backlogs

Phase 3 – Demand Analysis

  • Geographical forecasting
  • Demand modelling
  • 10-20 years growth projects
  • Scenario analysis

Phase 4 – Infrastructure Planning

  • Refurbishment Plan
  • Capital Plan
  • New Infrastructure Project
  • Infrastructure Master Plan
We unlock new economic streams for growth.

Our Industrialisation Solutions

We help clients establish end-to-end organisations capable of maximising their competitive advantage and achieve excellence.

Economic Planning

Infrastructure Planning and Development Support

Industrial Project Development

We unlock new economic streams for growth.